Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jasmine: The Baffled King Composing Halleluja

Some people see their lives as a symphony to god. They live as though god himself were their conductor, directing their crescendos and decrescendos. They are not in control of their world except that they could play the wrong note or the right one at the wrong time and conductor god would be angry with them. If they follow the music at the end of it they have this neatly wrapped gift of a life and hand it over to god and go “what do you think god?” almost as if that symphony, their life were their ticket to eternal happiness, depending on how well they played.

But I am not a religious person, not beyond the awe I have over the ability of living things to function at all and the reverence I show on behalf of how much we don’t understand about this universe.

I try to live my life as such that I would rather be myself than anyone else. So that if some power offered me the chance to switch lives with someone else I would refuse. To me this is a much better way of living, pleasing myself, having pride in myself, instead of god, or my parents, or my friends. Because if I am happy in the way I live my life, proud of who I’ve become and looking forward to my future than anyone who doesn’t agree with my path in life doesn’t matter.

I try to live this way

But I still have far to go before I’m there

So for now all I can do is hold onto this ideal and do what I can to make myself this person I so want to be. Thank you Clint for your insight and eloquence. You are a better person by societies standards than I will ever want to be, yet you are still an interesting guy.

1 comment:

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
