I haven’t blogged in 57 days, Abe hasn’t blogged in 64 days, Sarah hasn’t blogged in 54 days Doug hasn’t blogged in 42 days, and Meghan is winning with a grand total of 22 days since her last blog
But I don’t blame any of you, I actually can’t without casting heaps of blame onto myself which I am incapable of doing so I will wait until after this has posted and then point and glare from my high ground where the grass is green and the fruits are sweet.
Mostly I don’t blame you because I’ve been incredibly busy, and everyone I talk to also seems to be busy. This week in particular is going to be a kind of hell, but I figured if I had time to watch vlog brothers I have time to write a blog, so I’m trying.
I have an essay due this Thursday, I had to research a topic in deviance and I chose suicide in the elderly. My mind likes to wander and make interesting associations where it will, and this combined with a vlogbrothers video on power moves of the animal kingdom led me to do some random interesting research on some of the destructive behaviors the vlog brothers described as power moves
It’s a process where an animal suicides by exploding some part of itself! When carpenter ants battle and it seems like they’re not going to win, they contract muscles in their abdomens exploding two mandibular glands along the sides of their bodies which sprays a glue like poison in all directions. This both immobilizes their prey and kills them. Several species of termites are also capable of this minus the poison glue. They explode their bodies in tunnels to block entrances and protect a colony from invasion.
Trichobatrachus robustus
Common name the hairy frog, also known as WOLVERINE FROG! There is a bone in its foot that acts like a cat’s claws minus the keratin, and retractability and they have to break their own bones in order to push it through the skin! When threatened they indeed break bones in their back feet and claws extend.
The frog led me to another amphibian
The Spanish ribbed newt when attacked with rotate its ribcage forward and contract is body forcing the sharp spiny ends of the ribs through its skin (there are no ready made holes it cuts its skin) and into its attacker.
I thought these self destructive behaviors were pretty cool and I shared them with you. Credit where credit is due, the vlogbrothers got me started on this with a video and mentioned the carpenter ants and the hairy frog
This is a quality blog. I've got 3 or 4 ideas lined up, but my computer is broken, and all the time i spend in front of library computers is programming. Its coming though. You wait. in the meantime... congrats on being the winner.
WIN! thanks I have a few more ideas but you guys should blog before I do so it's not a string of Jasmine blogs...
VLOGBROTHERS WIN!!!! you all should watch them *_*
Just read it. Liked it.
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