Sunday, May 2, 2010

That guy: Fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu

So, I guess I’m an adult now. Funny how that works. Either way, Its beren forever since I posted anything. Ive been busy and shit, but that’s no excuse, as Doug likes to point out. Here’s my problem, though. My creativity is gone. It’s pooped itself all over the proverbial bed. I have no clue whats going on, probably too much work. It kinda sucks. But don’t you kids fret. I’ll be back at some point.

I apologize for my fail.

That guy


Sarah said...

Fail. But...I know what you mean. I try to post and things happen. O.o

Scribe said...

Your muscle has weakened. Let it exercise and you will eventually return to full strength.