Short post is short. But I feel like I said what I wanted to say:
We may pull out of Afghanistan tomorrow, and the Taliban, Al Qaeda, protesters and fools the world over will celebrate that they have beaten "Mighty America". But tomorrow I'll wake up and decide that I want to read any book I want, or call someone on my cell phone, or kiss my girlfriend in public, or watch my gay friend get married to the love of his life, or turn on the faucet and get clean water, or have my daughter go to school and learn so that she can do anything she wants with her life. And I'll remember that the Afghan people have none of these things that I take for granted, and I'll wonder how they can possibly think that they've won anything but ignorance and fear.
"The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason."
-T.S. Elliot
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