Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jasmine: C.N.A.

CNA1(dejected sounding): Who are we kidding!

CNA2(confused): What are you talking about? Was that a question?

CNA1: No, it was an exclamation!

CNA2: It was phrased like a question, but the telltale lilt was missing...

CNA1: I know that, it was an exclamation!

CNA2: Stop that!

CNA1(lip quivering): But...

CNA2: I mean it

CNA1: Okay

CNA2: So what did you mean by your exclamation

CNA1: Why the hell are we taking Quantitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry?

CNA2: At least it wasn't an exclamation

CNA1: No, it's just depressing

CNA2: Maybe we're insane?

CNA1: I'll let you know after this first test

CNA2: There's a test?

CNA1: Three of them

CNA2: Crap

CNA1: Maybe we should start a support group

CNA2: Or a study group

CNA1: Same thing

CNA2: Chemistry Nerd's Anonymous?

CNA1: Dead Nerd's Anonymous...

CNA2: Sound's Exclamatory

CNA1: I feel dead

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