Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jasmine: My Toe

not sure if this is relevent. pretty sure it's not interesting to anyone but me. but I was bored at work and I don't really do short stories very well.

So a little over a month ago I either broke or sprained the little toe on my left foot. Yes my little toe. I was on the way to the hot tub in the dark and there was some uneven sidewalk that I managed not to see despite it being painted a bright yellow. So, I screwed up my toe and the doctor told me that it could be either broken or sprained and that the only way to tell was to get an x-ray which they couldn't do there, however the treatment and healing time was the same for both so I chose to not know what happened.

Since my "accident" I only recently started climbing again on a regular basis and it has sucked. Or I have. Meghan gets mad at me for saying how much I sucked, but I felt self concious, I was almost to the V4 level before and after I was barely climbing v2s. Anyways yesterday was the first day I felt like I didn't truly suck. I spent the first half hour falling off of the same damn climb that Eli bastard that he is showed me. It's a climb made for tall people on one part and short people on the other part. I can do it, not that I've finished it yet, but I'm physically capable of doing it. I didn't use to feel that way. After not finishing that climb though I went on to finish two other climbs that had been giving me trouble, one of them a V3 was easy peasy.

I go climbing again tomorrow. My toe still hurts because it keeps getting stepped on and I keep forgetting to ice it, but it's functional and I will climb on it. a lot.

not sure if this is relevent. pretty sure it's not interesting to anyone but me. but I was bored at work and I don't really do short stories very well.

1 comment:

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

you just have to jump at it and trust that the soft gentle wall will cushion your fall
