Friday, February 4, 2011

Jasmine: Perfume

like to eat angels
They make you love forever
such a good perfume


Who could that man be?
What's he dumping on his head?
Lets eat the angel!

Does it make sense to you? If it does then watch the movie and decide if it still makes sense. If it still makes sense give me a call.

Earlier tonight Meghan and I watched a strange, very long movie. Perfume: The Story of a Murder. It's more like fourteen murders, possibly fifteen, I'm not sure about one of them. It's graphic in a lot of different ways, some of them enough to make me cringe if only for a moment before I check to make sure that no one saw my wide shocked eyes. Because nothing shocks me. I don't want to describe it any further because I want you guys to watch it. It's on netflix for an instant play. Two and a half hours long. Maybe it's too long, but I don't regret having watched it.

(I credit Abe with the inspiration for the poetry at the beginning of this)


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

angels omnomnom
redheads are the best ones ever
my life is complete


this movie is odd
I now fear french perfumists
and those who don't smell


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Angels omnomnom
redheads are the best ever
my life is complete


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

smell smell smell smell smell
smell smell smell smell smell smell smell
smell smell smell smell smell