Friday, September 4, 2009

Jasmine: Compulsive Liars

Compulsive liars are interesting. A woman called in a couple days ago at work, I think her name was Bernadette something or another. Or it could be something entirely different. Little back history on Bernie. In the past two years she’s made three large claims, the last one was finally denied and her policy was canceled, or terminated, or something. The claims all seemed to be cumulative, some kind o f roof leakage for the first one, wind damage to the roof for the second, and some six grand of water damage caused by a roof leak for the final and denied one. Something tells me ole Bernie didn’t get her roof fixed with the first two claims.

The other far more experienced/better trained assistant secretary person got her call and was taking notes about Bernie’s life:

- Mom’s a doctor
- Dad’s a doctor
- Bernie’s also a doctor
- Mom won 240 million dollar lottery
- Mom died
- Mom put money in a trust for her that she can’t access when she wants because mom doesn’t trust her husband.
- Dad’s in Bahamas so she can’t get to the money that way
- She was also left a flat in new York that they are trying to sell
- Currently lives in a small house in los lunas
The other secretary found this highly entertaining and shared it with the rest of the office. I share it here with you.

Here’s a Sarah Buterblog style question: What do you guys think about compulsive liars? I’ve met quite a few bad ones in my life, but even every day friends will over spin a tale to make themselves seem more important, more amazing.


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

uh...extreme much? be afraid liars be afraid.
Lying is irritating, I try to avoid those who do it because I start to not believe anything they say or overexamine their phrases for some scrap of truth.


Scribe said...

Lies keep me warm at night...


Jim said...

The cake is a lie!

Jasmine said...

fire and brimstone hell. i'm entertained. you cant trust liars, even when they're telling the truth you'll doubt them. and you cant build a friendship off of that. but they can be entertaining for a space of time


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Haha Doug I thought you said liars keep me warm at night. I was going to protest but...I read it again.
