Friday, September 25, 2009

Sarah: The Internets

So, I usually post stuff on my Sarah Buterblog, my internets project thingie, but it has come to my attention that perhaps I should post here, because I haven't in awhile, and because, while each of our lives are spiraling off in different directions, perhaps we all share at least a past which we should honor.

That being said, I recently read a conversation between two people that was more than slightly hilarious. I read it because I was alerted to the fact that I was mentioned in it. I want to comment that neither of the two people talking really know me anymore. They may have once, but they don't now. Thus, neither can actually speak for me, and both are wrong. In a humorous way however, they have pitted themselves against eachother. To have my say, I wouldn't slap you now, as for the past, its past, and I don't really care.

So, as for me now, here's poem, rest assured its not about anyone that reads this blog (or knows about it). It can also be found on the Buterblog:


I wish I held you in my hand
Sparkly, Glittery, on the mend,
But instead you hold me in your grip
At the will of your quivering lip.

I've been thinking in this time I set aside
Do I really want to sacrifice my pride
Sometimes you're crazy and you're right
Why is this a single-souled formidable fight?

I wish that I didn't have to doubt,
But am I taking the valorous route?
You never keep me in the loop
Are we together for the physical whoop?

I wish that I could talk to you,
But somehow I'm just too blue.
I haven't breathed in awhile,
I think some time will be a trial,
Where under your busy facade,
I can take a trip to my own aid,
And when I'm ready to talk about a "we" -
Then, then we'll see.


The past is strapped to our backs. We do not have to see it; we can always feel it. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

Thank you for being my friends. And for still being my friends.


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

posting here also is a great idea. i dont know why but the sight of our number of posts reaching 200 brings great joy.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

there should be a party. with cake. and the cake should have icing that reads in big letters THE CAKE IS NOT A LIE


Sarah said...


cheesecows666 said...

How bout a cake with big letters that say NO REALLY THIS CAKE IS A LIE?

Scribe said...

delicious lie cake.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

there can be both. and they will do battle, and the cake that is not a lie will win

Sarah said...

I don't really like cake. Can we have a cookie party instead?

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

no. cookie. just no. there will be cake

Sarah said...

We should all get together for a party like in the place geographically between umm....Kansas anyone?