So, I'm going to talk about maintenance. I hate maintenance, I feel that if I make something, it should be just as good 50 years from now as it was when I first created it. Now, I know nothing works like that, but I, being Doug Wood, get to live in my own little world where everything works out just so.
So, everything in life takes a little bit of work to maintain. Your bike tires need to be replaced, the springs in the suspension oiled, the brakes tightened or replaced. And that's just a small part of what it takes to maintain a bike. Imagine something larger. Imagine something with millions of moving parts. like a Space Shuttle, or an assembly line.
Or a person.
Physically, sure, it's pretty simple, eat a variety of food, exercise, sleep. Those three things make up a healty human body. But a brain, and the things those brains produce, like ideas, goals, feelings, those take far more work.
Especially when you've got something new. Something unique. Then you've created a whole thing for yourself. And to make it, you had to love it. And for it to continue to exist, you have to keep loving it. You have to love it with all your being, give yourself to it fully, because this creation came from you. It has, for all intents and purposes, sprung from your skull, like Athena from Zeus's head. It is your child, this creation, be it another human being or just a new way of interacting with them.
Maintenance is the key to continued life. And I hate it. I hate maintaining anything. So when I put effort into something, it really has to be something I well and truly love. Because if it's not. It'll die.
Love your creations, don't ever become too lazy to let them die.
"We can't let them win."
Nicole Kidman
"We won't."
Hugh Jackman
On that note -
I called you today to say that I'm sorry. I acted rashly. Not to say that what you said didn't truly, deeply hurt me, because it did. But the way I reacted, was horrible. So yeah. Ummkay,
Appologetic Sarah
yeah, maintainance sucks. it can be hard, and painful, and ultimately you usually end up right where you were before everything went all screwy. sometimes you make things better, a next generations so to speak, but traditionally you've just stopped the thing from falling apart. which is definately a good thing. maintainance, frustrating but necessary.
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