Imagine a beat that starts slow, then builds in speed and strength until what started as the whisper of the wind in the bushes becomes a howling whirlwind that rips trees from their roots, turns houses into matchsticks,and makes mountains tremble.
This is how I feel right now. I ooze power and energy, and want to wreck shit. i've been drilling for like, two hours, in the rain. Which is miserable, but miserable situations somehow, and I don't know how, bring out the motivated Doug.
Operational Tempo is high for these last two weeks. ROTC is making up for the fact that they have nothing for us to do finals week by tripling on the things we have to do this week. No Worries though. Marines got this shit handled. As usual.
I can't wait to get home, and look forward to it with great intensity. There are things in my way, but like all other marines in history, I will attack these obstacles with speed and intensity.
If the obstacle is in my path, I will move it.
If the obstacle is immovable, I will go over it.
If it is insurmountable I will go around it.
If I cannot go around it or over it I will go under it.
If I cannot do any of these things. I will ask my specialist to break out the Charlie 4.
If that does not remove the obstacle, I will personally tear that obsticle apart with my bare fucking hands.
Yeah, i'm going home.
Try and stop me.
I dare you.
"I wanna find something I wanted all along. Somewhere I belong."
-Linkin Park, "Somewhere I Belong."
We're eagerly anticipating your return. Can't wait to see you.
see you in a couple of mondays!
Sorry I woke you this morning. Just wanted to tell you that you were on my mind and that thought made me feel happy and rumbly in my tummy because you will be home soon and I can hug you. This is the longest you have been out of my sight for nineteen years, 3 months and two weeks. I love you so very much.
Ha, it entertains me to no end. see you soon
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