Friday, March 26, 2010

Meghan: Spill

I watched helplessly as the doomed coffee tipped in slow motion from where it had been resting on my notebook. But my grasping fingers were too late and I hissed and curled around my scalded leg. The smell of sweet coffee heated by Meghan flesh wafted through the room for the rest of the microbiology class, causing many a student to glance over and lick their lips in a concerning manner, much like hyenas scenting a wounded antelope. I fled as soon as I could but groaned when I remembered that I had an advising appointment in two hours that I would have to wait for. So I waited. Perhaps some homework was done, I don’t really remember because the caffeine had soaked its way through the thin barrier of my skin and was eating at my thoughts. Eventually the appointment came and went and I treaded wearily to the bus stop where I could finally take the bus home and be clean. I was leaning against a railing by the stop, craning my neck and my eyeballs for any approaching vehicle, when I felt something furry brush against my leg. I brushed a hand across my ankle, not really thinking about it, but when my fingers smacked the fuzzy thing I realized my mistake and snatched my hand back. The angry wasp twirled past my face, buzzing angrily.
So cute.
It zoomed around my head and was joined in its voyage by another one. Okay, one I can handle, two is less cute and more pain probable. I edged further down the rail away from the happy couple, but they continued to twirl around me. I felt one land on my thigh momentarily before I brushed it off, which is when the edging in the other direction turned to walking quickly in the other direction. The walking turned to running when the two wasps were joined by more of their friends. Luckily I saw my bus in the distance and belted toward it. The angry looking woman behind the wheel grudgingly opened the doors for me. As soon as I slipped inside I turned around to push shut the doors behind me. The swarm was huge by now; I panted with effort as I forced the doors that last inch and winced in relief as I heard their tiny yellow bodies smashing against the barrier. Now there was only the short bus ride home and a little walk until I was home free. I stretched my legs out on the empty bus seats, limbering up for the last part in my journey. Sure enough, when the doors slid open at my stop the swarm was there waiting for me. Holding a textbook in front of my face like a shield I sprinted through the thick of them. I heard them buzzing for my sugar-soaked skin and I fled faster than I’ve ever fled before. I considered stopping for the traffic light but then a wasp bounced directly off of my cheek and I decided to chance it. Waving apologies to the oncoming vehicles (surely they could see I had more pressing issues then wherever they had to be) I kept up the pace until I approached my house. In record time I dug my keys from my backpack, clicked open my door, then slammed it behind me. Most of the bugs had been safely barricaded outside but a few still buzzed in the room with me. I dropped my backpack to the floor and stripped off everything I was wearing, shoving it into the washing machine. The insects followed with glee, I could almost hear them rejoicing that their sweet prey had given up the chase. I slammed the lid down to cover them and twirled the dial on the machine, sighing with relief when I heard the water beginning to churn. Yes I am a bad person. Feeling mildly bad about the whole thing (I did seduce them with spilled coffee after all) I laid my cheek against the hard metal of the washing machine and told them that I hoped their little insect souls would finally find peace. Then I padded upstairs for my bath.

This is based on a real story
It is only slightly exaggerated


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmm wasps.