Monday, March 29, 2010

Sarah: Clarification and Appologies

Let me clarify -

I love my roommate. She is an awesome person, and although I don't agree with all of her views or some of her actions, I am VERY VERY SORRY if this came off as an attack to her in any way. I was upset. Very upset. And felt very lonely and isolated. But that doesn't mean I have any right to vent to a public audience, and that is not what I meant to do. I simply think that her and I are very different people and that can be frustrating sometimes. She however is a wonderful roommate and I'd like to recognise my own inabilites to communicate and compromise in some situations. I also thought that this blog had a more private audience consisting of primarily the fear five. So I hope that if she reads this, that she knows that I didn't mean it how it came off. And also some of my grievances are petty, and I know that, and I'm appologise for that as well. Venting how you feel can be very important. My roommate is a much more of a people person than me and I get upset because I don't like the group in my private space. That's ultimately what that was about, and that doesn't mean that in any way she is not awesome and a wonderful person.

As for communism, I didn't mean to mention it in my post at all, what I meant was Capitalism. I know the differences quite well between communism and socialism, and I don't support either. I like classes. I have to say. Doesn't mean I support poverty, but I support earning what you earn for yourself and your family and what you have reflecting what you have earned. I.E. Working your way to the top, or on some occassions, not. I also support respecting other people and their earnings whatever they are.

As for no long term affects of marijuana - let's talk:

-Smoker's Cough
-THC is stored in the fat cells and protein cells (ex. hair) for months (the time depends on the amount consumed, but regardless the body is very slow at filtering it out).
- Social/Economic affects include the foreign manpower - often very poor ocassionaly child or conscriptive labor to produce the drug because it is not legal and thus not regulated in the United States. As per grow houses within the U.S., they are still not environmental monitored.
- It affects brain chemistry just like any other drug which long-term affects are simular to addictive substances like nicotine, messing with the receptors for pleasure in the limbic system.

also, all I said was that it isn't healthy. I said nothing about its comparison to other drugs, prescription or otherwise. Also, I support its legalization, one so we can tax it, and two so we don't waste prison space and resources from the War on Drugs for marijuana infractions.

I still wouldn't do it. Anything that you smoke kills cells in your lungs. There are plenty of other toxins unavoidable in the world that adding an unneccesary one to my life doesn't make sense. I don't see the benefit. Others might and I agree that is okay. I would also like to amend that my roommate probably wouldn't argue that it is healthy, but medically beneficial. And she's probably right about that. But it is also expensive and for 150 dollars a month, I'll pass. However, I make no judgement on those whose do use it. I simply want to be acknowledged that in my case benefits do not outway the costs of such a drug.

So to you Anonymous, I hope this clarifies my point of view.



Anonymous said...

Anonymous here again,

to clarify myself - I stumbled upon this blog one night while doing random searches. I've been haunting here for awhile now reading the stories and whatnot, that post just made me kind of surprised.

Also, I didn't take it as terribly as I think you thought it was. It was just odd to see someone close their mind so fully to something else, no offense.

I'm going to mesh back into obscurity again, but mind if I keep reading the stories you all post?

Sarah said...

Not at all!

Most of them aren't rants about life, sorry if this one suprised you in a negative way.

And I appologise if I closed my mind....I just got frustrated with being inundated with one point of view in my everyday life. I appreciate you reminding me to be open.

Happy Reading.


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

It's a person! look, we have a person
