Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sarah: What's Up (as per Meghan's request)

I think about my weekend and wonder why anyone can think that life is boring. I didn't do much other than homework really. I saw The Blind Side, a movie which I loved. I got angry, like really pissed, at my roommate and her group. Word of wisdom - never EVER mess with a woman's baby. EVER. Walking into my room is one offense, borrowing my computer speakers without permission is a fatal mistake. FATAL! Eh, I'm over it really. However, I have come to the conclusion that socialism is the devil. And that you should never be roommates with someone that is your polar opposite. ****EDITED FOR CLARITY**** Because its harder. They may make a good roommate but you will pull out your hair trying to understand why they smoke. Or how they prefer socialism to capitalism. Or, frustartion when you want to oogle over hot guys in Twilight, or using your mini chocolate chips you were saving for pumpkin pancakes for your guy (she did replace those so that argument is totally unfair) ... and, well, ugh. ****END OF EDIT*** Thank goodness I have the most awesomest friend who is coming back home and whom I can quite possibly convince to live next door to me in the future. As long as her snake doesn't eat my indoor liter-box trained rabbit, whom I will call Rex (or Rexles).

On another note, I spend most of my time with Casey E. I have quite possibly found the most loving understanding man in the world. Combine good looks, loving character, compassionate teacher, and the fact that when I'm cleaning he helps without being asked at all (and not just changing light bulbs but vacuuming AND taking out the trash) and you've got my adorable boyfriend of ermm...I think 11 months. We've fought, don't get me wrong, but I can't imagine wanting a life without him in it. He is trying to learn to cook and Thursday's we usually make dinner together. If you get a chance, check out, which is hilarious - for those guys who need help in the kitchen department. And he likes all of the fear five, too. :D

Speaking of which - Meghan has informed me that she is upset that people don't post enough and that she doesn't know what's going on in everyone's lives. I second this. And that's why I'm devulging.

I'll skip the school part because that seems to always be drab or consume enough of my life anyway. In short - its been hard this semester and I'm dragging through it passing most classes and thinking about dropping others. I do have a class about addictions that is fairly interesting, but that's for another time.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) walk is on May 1st, and thank you to the Woods for connecting me with that organization last year. I'm organizing another team this year (Thank you Doug :D) and a bake sale, and well, I think its an amazing thing to support considering the millions of families affected by mental illness, including my own immediate and extended family. Extending the understanding of mental illness and breaking past sterotypes and stigmas, this organization does a lot of good for people that have no where else to find support, especially family to family.

So that's what's up with me presently. As for the future, in two years I hope to graduate UNM in applied math and biology, apply to doctorate pharmacy programs around the nation (perhaps go somewhere tropical :P) and in six/seven years run my own pharmacy and start a family. But anything can happen.

Happy Easter everyone,


Anonymous said...

To address some points -

socialism vs. communism :

"Socialism rejects a class-based society. But socialists believe that it is possible to make the transition from capitalism to socialism without a basic change in the character of the state. They hold this view because they do not think of the capitalist state as essentially an institution for the dictatorship of the capitalist class, but rather as a perfectly good piece of machinery which can be used in the interest of whichever class gets command of it. No need, then, for the working class in power to smash the old capitalist state apparatus and set up its own—the march to socialism can be made step by step within the framework of the democratic forms of the capitalist state. On the other hand, Communists believe that as soon as the working class and its allies are in a position to do so they must make a basic change in the character of the state; they must replace capitalist dictatorship over the working class with workers’ dictatorship over the capitalist class as the first step in the process by which the existence of capitalists as a class (but not as individuals) is ended and a classless society is eventually ushered in. " -
(Also, many easily done searches can pull up websites that discuss the differences between Socialism and Communism. After reading, you'll start to see why your roommate isn't (at least in my opinion), so wrong.

Also, about the marijuana thing. It's not healthy but there really aren't any long-term negative effects (What about a majority of prescription drugs, though? As you probably know, they have laundry lists of side-effects and bad drug interactions etc,).

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Please see my response and clarification post. Thank you!

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

mental picture of you putting me in a glass ball and stroking it while cackling "now she's all mine" and laughing evily. Be calm, you are allowed to have a negative opinion or a positive one, life would be boring if everyone agreed.


Scribe said...

I'm wondering if we're becoming popular enough for ppl in the blogosphere to actually comment on... people we don't actually know. Good job posting BTWs.

Sarah said...

Doug - see the next post. The answer to that is yes. And I don't mind - hope I didn't scare them away with my ranting. :)

Miss ya,