Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doug: Someone else. Post something.



cheesecows666 said...

Yeah right. You post something.

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

I'll post something, here:

Abe- You're freaking Lyndsie out. Don't know or care, but she talked to me. She also told me not to say anything, so if you could not mention I told you that would be good. Just a heads up. And I still can't believe you called Charlie to tell him he was beautiful.

Doug- Hi. Good luck with the paper... Miss you.

Meghan- Thank you. You give not only incredible advice, but you're always there and that's amazing.

Jas- See you tomorrow for our film project. Hope all is going well this past week that I've been so busy.
