Tuesday, February 17, 2009

That guy: Um.........

So, funny situation.

I went to bed the other morning. I didn't get in till like 3 or 4. Something ridiculous.
I had things to do the next morning. I turned on my music, and crashed.

Several hours later.

I wake up totally disoriented. My dreams were psychotic. I could tell by how tired I was that I had been flailing all night. I think I fought a war, and then George Forman, and then danced for like 18 hours.

My cell phone starts ringing.

I go to grab it, and realize I can't move my arms. They are so asleep, i've got pins and needles in them. I flop around, trying to sit up without using my arms. I use my head to push me up, and realize that somehow, my sheet has gotten wrapped around my ankle so tightly it's cutting cirulation off. Not only that, but my heavy blankets (like, really heavy) are somehow twisted up in the sheet, and hanging off my mattress.

Let's recap.

My arms are asleep. In pain asleep.

My leg is esentially tied down, with no cirulation.

I am flopping around like a fish.

Flight of the Valkyries is blaring.

And then my alarm starts going off.
It's set to start off almost unhearable, and get so loud that I can hear it from the shower.

Through sheer power of will, I levitate over to the clock, and shut it off with my mind. I then answer the phone call and go back to bed.


I fall off my bed, landing on my computer, my Creek, lots of paper work, a bottle of Brasso, a portable hard drive, and oh yeah, the wall.

I somehow managed to fall off my bed, which is literally a mattress on the floor, and hit the wall.

I don't remember much else about the situation. I probably opened the phone with my teeth.

And turned the alarm off with bullets.

Just thought I should let you guys know.


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

that's kind of hilarious while sucking at the same time. or it would suck if i could stop laughing. falling out of bed... now that would suck...

Sarah said...


Scribe said...

Fail. but in an epic way. and that's all that counts.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

that is how all alarm clocks should be dealt with