Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meghan: Ants

People are strange. College students in particular are the strangest, probably because so much has been dumped on them at once and it’s all they can do to keep their heads from exploding. Of course there are those who don’t make it and you can see the residual brain goo on the sidewalk or asking for your spare change. If only there was some way of making everything 100% efficient, then nothing would be wasted; money, resources, even people. Maybe brain scans for children? We could be like ants; this one will be an executive, this one will be a painter, etc. Well, slightly more complicated then ants. Then there would be a place set down for us, a steady income, and we know we wouldn’t have “wasted” any money on our children because they’re guaranteed to do something with their lives. If a parent knows what will happen to their child from the beginning, won’t they be better parents? After all, whatever they’re nurturing is a key to society, destined to play an important part. There would be none of that pesky risk that modern parents take, what with encouraging their children to do whatever they want to do. How can the children know what they want to do? 44% of college students switch their majors in their first two years. If they’re that indecisive at such a late age, shouldn’t there be rules laid out to help them make a steady path? What is the world coming to if it can’t even control its own children? With so much choice in the world comes chance and the greater the chance, the greater the risk. I propose a solution that would make the world a more peaceful and efficient place. By monitoring the young from a young age it can be determined whether they will contribute to their society. By age five, if they have been determined useful, they would be sent to the proper training facilities or families, depending on the appropriateness of the situation. If the child wasn’t deemed useful, then he or she would undergo a lobotomy and be trained for simple factory work. In this way the world can progress at a faster pace towards evolutionary superiority and cultural supremacy. It is the most obvious path towards a peaceful and happier planet.

sincerely yours,


Jim said...

You and Aldous Huxley.

Sarah said...

I think you should have put this on your college apps under What do you want to do for the rest of your life? or What are your goals? lol

Scribe said...

you know who you remind me of?
Nazis. which is fine, cause nazi chicks were hot.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

i'm amused. i'm imagining this world and then the underground cities filled with low potential children and their terrified parents, and the rebelion that would ensue with people who had been chosen switching sides in the heat of battle realizing that it was everyones undeniable right to be able to vascilate between what they have no idea they want to do in life. yes very entertained.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

shun the non-believers
If any of you have a problem with my proposal you can just step into my office, it won't hurt a bit...