Glitter sparkles on the edge of my vision. My breathe catches in my throat.
Please, not again.
I press my fingers to the bathroom mirror and try to stare at the parts of my face that I can’t see.
Squeeze my eyes shut and count
Hands pressed to my heart, calm down, calm down
Wait for the rapid beat to slow before I chance another glance
But it’s still there
Great shifting streaks clawed across my vision
With a chaser of dark and pain
But it’s only knives now
Later the real pain will start
My dark room, where I watch the world pass by
Blankets draped over the windows, jammed under the door
Light would jam needles into my eyes
Added to the lava already boiling in my skull
Curled under blankets I stare straight ahead
It’s not like I haven’t been here a thousand times before
I count to a thousand
I count to a thousand in Spanish
I think
Of everything I could be doing if I weren’t here
In this bed, in this room
Imagination swells, it has to doesn’t it?
Books, music, people, I can’t
So I think
Anything, everything
But this.
Make it stop?
I'm sorry Meghan. I know that you've done everything you can to get rid of or live with them. And I curse them.
Miss ya,
myah I didn't get one, it's just what it used to be like
i have an urge to bite you while you get a migraine i'm curious if it will sadly associate bite with bad or if it will alieviate the swell for just a little
time to expirament!!!
...huh. never thought of that. But I think the pain is mightier than the orgasm and can't be defeated
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