I’m tired. I’m physically and emotionally drained. I need something to take my mind off the world.
The sun is bright against the horizon. The sight of it burns my eyes but I can’t make myself look away. There’s something about it, something captivating. The way it lights up the sky bringing life and death with it on its path from one point on earth around to the same point. It’s no wonder the ancients worshiped it, calling on what they saw as a powerful being to lend them strength in the coming harvests and wars.
Almost every culture has a sun god of some kind. And all of those same cultures have a moon goddess. The pale reflected sister of Apollo.
Last night, Wednesday night, was the full moon. Late last night I walked home riding high on endorphins after karate. I looked up into the sky as I walked away from a dozen different sparring partners, eighty percent of which can easily kick my orange little ass. I looked up at that round heavy moon and I bayed. I howled to Diana, goddess of the night sky and the wicked path of the hunt. I howled my hunger for more battle and fewer nights spent quiet and alone. I cried out to her to bring some sense of reason into this lazy world.
And then I walked back to my dorm room, back to reality, and I forgot that there was a time and a place where the blood of the people beat in time to the phases of the moons hunt. When people traveled across lands following the path of Apollo’s chariot. I forgot and I slept well.
I like! The hereditary beast within. Do you suppose when you see a sweet puppy's legs jerking in its sleep that it is dreaming of when its ancestors roamed the land in packs terrorizing all that strayed within their territory?
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