I can hear the people coming. The pitter pat of their tiny feet on the laminate flooring. They’re rushing. Why is everyone always rushing? It’s not like I’m going anywhere. Why would I leave?
I’ve got this squishy bed with my fuzzy blankets. It’s all warm and comfortable. I’ve got no reason to leave.
“I’m not going anywhere, you don’t have to rush!” I let them know. I wouldn’t want them to tire themselves out.
“Shut the hell up you fucked up stupid bitch.”
The little people can be so rude.
But still I can hear them coming. The first of them slides underneath the door. So far away but I can see with perfect clarity how they suck their miniature guts in to make it under. One after the other they come. One after the other suck it in and slide on through. I lose count of the ones already here and only count the ones that are coming. Two, three, four, now two again.
“You are welcome here despite your rude ways, I promise not to harm you!” I have to shout. The wee ones are also hard of hearing.
“What did I tell you? Shut your face!”
“You know she doesn’t know what she’s saying.”
The little people can be so confusing, sometimes using two voices instead of that rude one. Sometimes I wish they’d just stick to the one, but no one really cares about wishes and dragons, only meatloaf and unicorns. Bloody unicorns always getting all the damn attention.
As I watched they set up their camp. They hoisted their tents and laid down little matchstick fires to keep their feet warm. It’s very important for them to keep their feet warm constantly. It’s the source of all their power and mine. And the power is how I keep the bear people away. They see the tiny feet and they flee.
“Tiny feet! I call thy power unto mine own feet!” I raise my feet into the air gasping as the power rushes into me filling my every void.
“Shut up you crazy fuck!”
“Remember what I said?”
“Yeah, but tiny feet?”
“Hey, last week it was the almighty bird Christmas ornament.”
I could hear the small ones laughing about my glorious Auk of Christmas future. But it is me and not they that has the power now to see everything that ever will be. But the laughter is not kind as I know they are not kind. I think when the bear people come I will let them eat the little ones like chips before I cast them out with my all powerful toes. All ten of my magnificent toes. Look at them. Do you see them glowing. To they speak to you too?
this was entertaining to write. tee hee!
Less reefer, more booze.
i love it!
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