Saturday, September 13, 2008

Doug: Arrival.

Dear Reader,

I have a plan. I've been working on this plan all day. I've been slaving over it, divining, scheming, and compiling to form the perfect master plan. You, Dear Reader, have no idea the dedication that has gone into this plan. I have loved this plan; I am dedicated to it, as though it were my lover, which it is. This is my Mona Lisa, my Starry Starry Night, my trip to the moon. Are you guys ready for this?

The next person that tells me I should be excited for college, I'm going to punch in the face.


And I'll smile like a saint while I do it.


That's all. Have a good night.

"I'll give you a hint. Instead of helping an old lady cross the street, you should shoot her in the face with arrows until it stops being funny."
Richard, LFG


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

mrow, i miss you too

cheesecows666 said...

Dude, have you ever seen a saint smile? I don't think it exists.......... Check all the old statues and paintings and shit. Sober as the pope on Sunday.

Weird. It's a conspiracy! The Da-Vinci Code 3: The Smiling Saint.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

I wasn't excited either. But you'll be happy soon. Miss you Doug.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

thanks guys