Monday, September 15, 2008

Doug: Seattle and other Insanities.

Dear Reader,

Okay, as the last post rather dramatically demonstrates, uprooting your entire life and plopping it down somewhere else can strain the mind a bit. It'll make you say the things you actually mean, as opposed to putting on a face and telling the world that you'll be fine with a few years of therapy. When really you won't. You'll either HTFU, or become a black hole of emotional turmoil and misery that not even trained shrinks can penetrate. You'll start off small, puppies or squirrels or some other cute, helpless animal, and it will eventually escalate until you've become what the rest of us only contemplate in our deepest, darkest nightmares. Yes, you will be... an emo kid.

Incidentally, if you're an emo kid and you're reading this, I'd like to take this moment to say, Fuck You. Your father really does love you, your hair really does make you look gay, you're wearing girl pants and everyone knows it, and your life isn't nearly as hard as you'd like to think it is. You want to see hard? Try living in a third world country you candy ass terdlicker.

Now that that's out of the way, we're going to move on to Seattle.

It's a nice city. The thing I'm most impressed with is the public transportation system, which as a well traveled individual, I believe to be one of the top five in the world. Buses turn a largely spread out metropolitan area into a place that's easily navigated. Ferries provide fun and timely transport to local islands, and a monorail system is currently under construction that would allow speedy public transit 40 miles to the nearest international airport. Coming from Albuquerque, where the bus system closely resembles a 90 car smash up and monorail systems are still viewed as somewhat science fiction, this is a huge step up.

The weather so far is sunny and warm, except at night, where temperatures drop to not too cold, but certainly uncomfortable for someone as used to a warm climate as I am. I'm told the rain is coming, which I'm excited for, but also told will get dreary after a while. They say that, but what they don't know is that Doug Wood loves the rain enough to dance outside naked in it.

On a completely unrelated note, aren't people that talk in the third person creepy? "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's".

Anywho. Seattle is cool. But the people who populate it seem to be... eh, well, a lot of them are jerks. I don't know if it's my personal aversion to really long hair, and the combination of short hair with facial hair, or how all the women seem to be angry brunettes, or if it's just the stress of moving into college, but no one here seems to be a genuinely nice person. That depresses me a little. Maybe they're too into their eco-friendly liberal self-righteousness to be friendly. Maybe I'm just less than excited to be here and looking for stuff to whinge about.

Quick rundown of my last few days:

Last Morning in ABQ:

Get woken up by dad. Eat breakfast, fight with parents for no good reason, leave on jetplane. Sleep through jetride, arrive Seattle fresh and ready to kick ass.

I'm bitchin awesome at this point, I just woke up, I've arrived, and I feel like I could take on Mt Rainer. I find out a good friend of mine is actually in Seattle, and we make plans for lunch.

We eat lunch at a place called Tutta Bella's. I personally am not particularly fond of Tutta Bella's, I find their pizza to be too fancy, too frou frou. That being said, if you're in the mood for an overpriced very veggie focused set of personal pizza's, Tutta's is the way to go. My brother swears by it though, and he makes eating good food a personal habit. The conversation is mostly directed by my mother who has accompanied me on my odyssey. This is good and bad, good because I'm too zoned out to concentrate on a real conversation, and bad because I don't really participate in the conversation at all, and just stare off into space most of the time.

After that we return to my brother's house. We had been there, and I almost forewent lunch in favor of the activity I'm about to describe. However, it is unlikely that I'll be able to see my friend up here all that often, so it was a good idea of me to spend time with her while I could. That being said, when I arrived, my brother was engaging in an activity that will never get old for me.


I like to wreck shit, and when I saw my brother taking a sawzal to the bushes in front of his house, I almost wet myself with excitement.

I"m know, I'm like a puppy. But really, nothing appealed to me more than tearing out a bunch of bushes. It worked like a charm to cure my zoning out problem, and provided me with some much needed exercise.

For dinner we went to Taste of India, which is a restaurant kind of out of the way, but well worth the trip to get to. It always surprises me exactly how good the food there really is, as somehow I expect my mind to have over hyped it for me. Anyone who visits me is getting a trip to there, as well as an introduction to Arfan.

Arfan owns Taste of India, he is a short Indian male, who is unexpectedly young. He greets my brother and mother by name as we walk in the door. I'm not offended by being forgotten, I'm rather shocked he remembers my mother's name. Taste of India is always packed, and to remember one patron's name is impressive.

One of the benefits of being related to Jordan is that when you're with him you get to bask in his aura of notability. Doors open, free things are given to him, and by association, you. Women notice him, and by association, you as well. Men look up to him, and almost always find instant camaraderie. In other words, men like him, women like him, I like him. What it boils down to is that we got two appetizers and one dessert from Arfan free, just because he knows him. It's a nice thing.

I spent all of the next day moving in, and buying shit for my dorm room. I say shit and not stuff because that's what it is. Shit. Mostly it's shit I would have at home, or would be able to bring from home, but space is a premium when locking yourself in a flying cigar tube, so I was unable to bring a lot of my shit. Things like trash cans, cork boards, hangers, kitchenware, all shit I have plenty of at home, if home weren't about a thousand miles away.

I feel like Edward Norton's character in Fight Club. Which dining set defines me as a person?

But I'm mostly moved in. there's just a last few things I need before I'm all set. Like stuff to spruce up the room itself. It looks like prison cell in here.

That's about it. I know this one wasn't all deep and stuff, but Meghan wanted one that wasn't, so she got it, it reads like a mission report, and I promise the next one will be about something inflammatory. Like abortion, or aids, or autism... isn't it weird how so many nasty things start with a's?


"I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone,
Sweep the streets I used to own."
-Coldplay, "Viva la Vida"

P.S. There was a whole bunt cake, sliced, sitting in the bed bath and beyond parking lot. All by itself. Seattle is fucking insane.


scorpioFUNK said...

Haha, that sounds amazing! Lonely of course, but still an experience right? And you've got your own place! Give it a year and you'll be having a blast :)

(hopefully not with the exception of college which I'm hoping won't mentally damage you too much), but yeah dude. If you're place is lacking character, gimme the word and I'll send you something cool for an early Christmas or something lol *thumbs up**

More than anything, woot to you and your bravery in striking out on your own! You rock.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

You write too much. You've commandeered the blog. FYI.
But really, I don't have sympathy for the uprooting your life thing. It's the story of my life. But try to enjoy it all. And remember that this is what you want.
And we love and miss you.
And you have to give your room character.
And, well you get it.
<3 Sarah

cheesecows666 said...

You ever notice how Abe starts with an 'A'?

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

a) sarah's right, you blog too much, it makes people (mainly me)look bad, grrr

b) the image of you as a puppy made me giggle, yay

c) the cake is a lie

Bikeperthtosydney said...

The bunt cake is not a lie. A man who wears a duct tape mask lives in the park next to my house. My housemate saw him buying more duct tape at the hardware store. We have city sanctioned naked bike rides and actualy voted against the monorail after voting for it four times. Our transportation system is not even close to what it should be but they are slowly putting in a tram system that will eventualy be ok. The name for this: South Lake Union Trolley or S.L.U.T for short. How many desks did that pass before someone put that together? Im not really sure what they call it now but im looking forward to riding the SLUT this winter to keep warm.

Seattle Liberals can be some candy assed passive agressive douchbags. But Douchbags are everywhere. This does not change. I for one rather be a more conservative person in a liberal place than a liberal person in a conservative place. For me at least I rather be around people throwing ideas out and trying to pick the best course of action rather than trying to keep things the same in a changing world.

I guess writing too much is a family thing. Keep it up Duke de Woodland. I like hearing you. If people are worried perhaps they should write more.

And yeah, ill get you that hundred bucks for positive mention in the blog.

Hans the Asshole
King of Hanssonia.

Jim said...

Yo Critter. Hans is wrong. There is NO cake. The cake is a lie! Further, it is a misconception that "conservatives" are trying to keep things the same, and a not-so-subtle attempt at misdirection to imply that "liberals" are the only ones who have new ideas. I think these labels have little value, and only serve to make our society more divisive. But don't get me wrong, I still love the King of Hanssonia and his adventurous spirit (and love cashing in on the freebies that seem to materialize whereever he is)! Get some! Love, Daddio.

Bikeperthtosydney said...

The veneable querquino gentleman is correct. New ideas come from both sides and it was wrong of me to label anybody. Incedently the more I live in seattle the more liberals (damn lables) seem to piss me off despite no doubt being labled one myself. perhaps moderation is where the most creative ideas lie as giving everyones something they can at least agree on is the harder thing to do. As for these alleged freebes its just what a loyal customer of 8 years gets.


Pop, I think the Wood boys have really commandeered these comments. What assholes!

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Thanks for the non deep and philosophical-esk flavor of your blog, it warms my heart and will probably lower the amount of people out to kill you. psh, who wants that? Write what you want, as long as you are strong of arm and have a well-stocked weapons cabinet.
Sarah, Jasmine, if you be feeling the heat, write more >_<.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

I AM NOT FEELING THE HEAT! EVERYONE SIMPLY BLOGS THE SECOND AFTER I DO, so no one reads mine, so I am simply going to stop writing them. Thank you.
Do not insinuate that I did not write.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Doug's blog has 10 comments and mine has 1, which means no one cares, (mostly cause his whole family reads these and Doug posts long long ones always after me). So I'll stick to my myspace blog. That is all,

The Buffalark said...

You're upset by the combination of short hair and facial hair? You got a problem with Abe Lincoln? Do ya?

If a crew cut and a goatee is your definition of a freak and a lonely bunt cake your definition of insanity, it would behoove you to stay far, far away from our beautiful city's highly-touted public transportation system. Either that or, as they say, harden the fuck up.

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

Sarah chooses myspace over the blog?
oh...the pain, I feel it. Sarah, we do read your blogs, they're just further down.