The class is bullshit, pure bullshit. I don’t even know why we do it. But that aspect applies to much of life does it not? The project: create a poster that showed your values in life. Ha. Put all of my values down on a tiny scrap of paper and then explain those values to a bunch of people my age? You might as well ask me to go find the Holy Grail; I would have about the same success. So we grouped in our little flocks to impart valuable knowledge unto our brethren and I prepared to impart some worthless b.s. ‘So, what is it that you value in your life?’
‘Well, I find that both family and religion are pillars that help hold me up whenever I need it.’
I looked up from where I had been drawing pagan symbols on my hand.
‘What about you?’
I looked at their happy faces; these people who found peace in the church, who had loving supportive families, who were happy with their simple ‘normal’ lives.
What the hell was I supposed to tell them? The truth? The very idea was laughable. I knew what would happen if I told them what really made me happy. Their faces would slowly freeze; features taking a painted look. Then their eyes would shift from painted to nervous. You know the type, the maybe-I-shouldn’t-be-talking-to-this-person-nervous. Next their faces shut down to a polite smile topped with worried, scornful eyes. They’ve come to their conclusion: you’re crazy. You’re just another loony-tune caught up in your own little world, and their little world does not have to deal with your little world.
‘What about you?’
I smiled, and laughed a little, ‘I love my friends and having fun.’
Understatement of my life
Your friends love you to, more than they can express, I suspect. What's more they love you for who you are, not for expectations of who or what you should be. Oh yeah, your friends' parents like you, too. Hang in there Ms. Meghan, and have a little fun with it. In the words of Richard Feynman, "What do you care what people think?" JRW
dear meghan:
in the immortal words of the wu-tang clan: "Bring the fuckin ruckus." also, the joker has a few words for you as well: "introduce... a little anarchy..."
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