Friday, October 3, 2008


Dear Readers,

Fridays are turning into my favorite days of the week. There are many contributing factors to this, the fact that I don't have class on Friday, the fact that I get to regularly sit down to a plateful of fruit and a massive homemade rice crispy treat, the fact that in all likelihood I'll soon be hanging out with my brother, or my two lovely cousins and aunt and uncle. These are all contributing factors as to why I like Fridays. But the main reason, the overriding reason is this: Fridays are Bulldog.

I love Bulldog.

Today we did a shipboard workout, which is really just a whole bunch of exercises with weights and, (Abe you'll love this) we FIGHT each other. I'm not talking about balls out punches to the face, although we did do some of that, with pads and other safety devices. What I am talking about is getting the other person on the ground and keeping them there, submission holds, pin holds, anything and everything to incapacitate the opponent. And here's the best part, you can't quit, the sergeants, MECPS, won't let you. Of course you can tap out of a position you can't get out of, but there aren't any breaks, you're out and a second later you go at it again, exhausted, sweating, barely able to keep fighting. It's great. I love every second of it. My body screams at me that it needs rest, that I should go puke or something, anything to give it a break, but my mind tells me to keep at it, that I've never had this much fun in a workout before.

After this frenzied fighting and calisthenics, during cool down stretching, we MECPS and and Marine Options stare at each other, predatory, exhausted grins on our faces. We all know, intellectually, that normal people don't do this, they don't grapple with each other until their arms want to fall off, they don't throw their friends to the mat and try and twist their bodies into submission. Normal people don't want to fight, they want to talk about their problems and have a nice cry and maybe some hugging.

We also know we're not normal.

I once overheard a conversation stating that someone had to be a little insane to join the Marines. Well, yeah.


"I'm mad fuckin' dangerous!
More deadly than a stroke of an axe!
Giving bystanders heart attacks!"
Wu-Tang Clan, "Bring the Ruckus"


The Fearsome Fivesome said...

normal people dont wrestle their friends to the ground until they cant move huh? it may have been a while since i done it, but it's not like you forget how. i miss fighting you, and meghan, not abe. your workout sounds amazing listen to me ooze jealousy. come home and show us some of your neat tricks

Eve said...

You're turning into quite the badass. You better eat some protein with that breakfast - the next thing I will read is that you've started drinking coffee - with nails. I'm glad you're having a good time and getting to do something you've wanted to do for a long time. Is there any of my good ol original Doug left?

The Fearsome Fivesome said...

You don't miss fighting Abe? but that was so just never stopped. We should instigate a random attack policy, where any one of us is fair game at any moment. It would keep us on our toes and make trips to the bookstore, grocery store, etc. very interesting...

Scribe said...

I would wreck you meghan. Regularly. For grins.

cheesecows666 said...

Beware............ for breaktime will come to you, and you shall be entered.......................... in the THUNDERDOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you'll have to show me how little you've learned.